jeudi 8 avril 2010


VOIP means VET for Over 50 Employees through MultI-Feature Platform. This project funded by the EU Commission under the framework of the Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation programme has started in November 2009. We had our first meeting in Rzeszow (Poland) and since November we have worked hard to achieve the results of the project. 

Till now a survey to study the preferences and needs of employers related to their employees over 50 has been conducted in the countries of the partnership: Poland, Bulgaria, France, Italy and Spain. The aim of the survey is to obtain required knowledge in the field of demanded characteristics and skills in which employees over 50 should be equipped. The knowledge will enable us to prepare reliable scope of methodology of trainings dedicated to the group mentioned above. Providing potential employees with arguments, which are demanded by employers, seems to be beneficial to both sides. 300 persons have been surveyed in the 5 countries, 150 employees (or future employees aged 50 and more) and 150 employers or persons in charge of human resources in all size companies. The next meeting will take place from 22nd to 23rd of April in Palermo (Sicily). It will allow us to present the national research results, to develop the needs analysis as well as to prepare the transfer of the RAVT training model. VOIP will also develop a multi-feature e-platform and learning materials targeted to persons over 50.

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