mardi 6 avril 2010


Mid march we have participated to a European trainers meeting in Jena. Trainers from 8 EU countries could participate and exchange about their practices in motivating young learners. The results of a survey carried out by the Moleya team has been presented as well as other aspects of training and the development of the knowledge society for all. There was an important participation from the Roma Community (Bulgaria and Romania). Several aspects has been presented like the cognitive processes in literacy learning (a Keynote speech by Professor Angel Marzo of the University of Barcelona), an approach of the target by Jo Booth from Niace, and the findings of Moleya by Mr Francis LAVEAUX. The trainers could deepen their knowledge in the field by exchanging in several workshop whose topics were "Embedded learning", "Active Learning – literacy and numeracy", "Personal learning and Thinking Skills: Moving from learner dependency to learner autonomy", "How to reach young adults? Advertisement in basic education". Participants were also allowed to exchange in a less formal way by participating to a social activity, a transnational Bowling carried out the 2nd evening. The results of the conference will be published soon on the Moleya website. The motivation guide will be available next September.
For more info please go to

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