lundi 3 janvier 2011


We have recently created a new website on google. Please visit us on
Nevertheless we continue to use this blog and to publish some articles from time to time.
Our next project is to publish a Newsletter related to our EU activities. The first one will be published in February.
Concerning our development as an association active in the field of Education for adults, we are currently involved in three important projects, a Daphne project, a Health project and a Leonardo da Vinci project. This year we plan to apply (directly or as a partner) to new projects, mainly to two Grundtvig Learning Partnership, a Leonardo da Vinci Partnership and a Leonardo da Vinci transfer of innovation. We also plan to develop our association and to allow persons to integrate our association as associated members. The decision was taken by our board of Directors end of December.
On a local point of view, we are member of the networks of Local associations (of Lorient) which is managed by the town hall. You can also find us on the website of the Lorient asso. Just follow te link and type Radar in the search tool.

We wish you all a Happy New Year 2011

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