jeudi 4 février 2010


Now Radar B is involved in several European projects:

Modeval2 a Leonardo da Vinci project whose aim is to build up a training of trainers in the field of evaluatin of basic skills.
Don't hesitate to visit it at
We also implement a project dedicated to transfer competences as well as to exchange professional methods helping social structures to welcome and to accompany homeless persons. It is a Grudtvig Learning Partnership called ISPAW. It means "Implementing Social Pathways to ameliorate the situation of wandering homeless persons".
Till now there was a first meeeting in Tukums Latvia last November. The partnership is composed by partners from France, Romania, Latvia, Italy, Bulgaria. The next meeting will take place in Pland in May 2010.
As a partner and evaluator of the project, we are invovled in another project Leonardo da Vinci related to VET FOR OVER 50 EMPLOYEES THROUGH MULTIFEATURE PLATFORM. VOIP is managed by a Polish company, DANMAR.
Have a look on the VOIP website
So Radar B is increasing its competences, specializing itself in Training design and evaluation of projects.In the close future we plan to apply for new transnational projects under the framework of LLP or other EU programmes.
We also plan to organize training of trainers, using the Ceppac3 modules (just discover them at
Recently there was a presentation of the Modeval project and its future in Brussels for the 10th birthday of the Grundtvig programme.